codechef program #31 : Gregorian Calendar ;codechef program #32: Chef and Table Tennis ;codechef program #33:Chef and his Sequence
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From now on ,I have decided to post three problems.
Problem Statement #1
According to Gregorian Calendar, it was Monday on the date 01/01/2001. If any year is input,
Write a program to display what is the day on the 1st January of this year.
Write a program to display what is the day on the 1st January of this year.
The first line contains an integer T, total number of testcases. Then follow T lines, each line contains an integer year.
Display the day on the 1st January of that year in lowercase letter.
- 1 ≤ T ≤ 1000
- 1900≤ A,B,C ≤2500
Input 3 1994 1991 2014 Output saturday tuesday wednesday
My Solution:
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class gregoriancalender {
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
int b=in.nextInt();
String input_date="01/01/"+in.nextInt();
SimpleDateFormat format1=new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date dt1 = null;
try {
dt1 = format1.parse(input_date);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
DateFormat format2=new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
String finalDay=format2.format(dt1);
Problem Statement #2
Chef likes to play table tennis. He found some statistics of matches which described who won the points in order. A game shall be won by the player first scoring 11 points except in the case when both players have 10 points each, then the game shall be won by the first player subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points. Could you please help the Chef find out who the winner was from the given statistics? (It is guaranteed that statistics represent always a valid, finished match.)
The first line of the input contains an integer T, denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows. Each test case consist a binary string S, which describes a match. '0' means Chef lose a point, whereas '1' means he won the point.
For each test case, output on a separate line a string describing who won the match. If Chef won then print "WIN" (without quotes), otherwise print "LOSE" (without quotes).
Input: 2 0101111111111 11100000000000 Output: WIN LOSE
Example case 1. Chef won the match 11:2, his opponent won just two points, the first and the third of the match.
Example case 2. Chef lost this match 11:3, however he started very well the match, he won the first three points in a row, but maybe he got tired and after that lost 11 points in a row.
My Solution:
public class chefandtennis {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
int a=in.nextInt();
int len=input.length();
Problem Statement #3
Chef has a sequence of N numbers. He like a sequence better if the sequence contains his favorite sequence as a substring.
Given the sequence and his favorite sequence(F) check whether the favorite sequence is contained in the sequence
The first line will contain the number of test cases and are followed by the cases.
Each test case consists of four lines: The length of the sequence, the sequence N,the length of F and the sequence F
Each test case consists of four lines: The length of the sequence, the sequence N,the length of F and the sequence F
Print "Yes" if the sequence contains the favourite sequence int it otherwise print "No"
1 1
Input: 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 3 4 6 22 5 6 33 1 4 2 4 15 Output: Yes No
My Solution:
public class chefandhissequence {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
int b=in.nextInt();
for(int i=0;i<b;i++)
int a=in.nextInt();
String ab="";
for(int j=0;j<a;j++)
ab+=in.nextInt()+" ";
int cb=in.nextInt();
String abc="";
for(int j=0;j<cb;j++)
abc+=in.nextInt()+" ";
Posted by lol ik
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