Top Five Supercomputers 2016.


I was just bored and randomly searching on the web about computer science and stumbled upon this Wikipedia Article about top super computer. Now this list is decided on the speed of processing they do, the amount of data they can store and standard ways of configuration were used. So here goes;

Sunway TaihuLight

1.       Sunway TaihuLight: It is a Chinese supercomputer that , as of June 2016, ranks the fastest supercomputer In the world. It has a LINPACK benchmark rating of 93 petaflops. Thrice the previous record holder. It means that it could make 93 quadrillions calculations per second. This indigenously made Chinese system would be used for various research and engineering work, in areas such as climate, weather and earth systems modeling, life science research, and advanced manufacturing.

 Tianhe-2/Milky Way 2

2.       Tianhe-2: Again a Supercomputer developed by China.  It was developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology. Its System performance is 33.86 petaflops on LINPACK rating.
It was built in collaboration with Chinese IT firm Inspur. It will be used for simulation, analysis and government security applications.


3.       Titan: It is Super computer built by Cray at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is a successor of Jaguar, a previous Super Computer at Oak Ridge. It uses GPU in addition to conventional central processing unit. Its System LINPACK rating is 17.59 petaflops. Titan employs AMD Opteron CPU in conjunction with Nvidia Tesla GPUs improve energy efficiency while providing while an order of magnitude increase in computational power over Jaguar. It was developed for scientific purposes
IBM Sequoia

4.       IBM Sequoia: It is built by IBM for the purpose of National Nuclear Security Administration as a part of the Advance Simulation and Computing program. Its System LINPACK rating is 16.32 petaflops. The Systems runs Linux.

K Computers

5.       K computer: It is built by Fujitsu. It is derived by the word k which means 10 quadrillion in Japanese.Its System LINPACK rating is 10.51 petaflops. It is based on distributed System Architecture. Its OS is based on Linux Kernel.

Source: Wikipedia and Internet.
Posted by lol ik.


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