Why do we have fat buddha?????

photo courtesy: wallpaperhd

Why do we have a different versions for Buddh??? I never got this why do we have a Jolly fat Budh commonly known as laughing Buddha and the other version, the not so fat Buddh (the skinny version).I have always been told that Buddh represented someone who has given up every attachment from the world, joy and feelings in order to attain eternal peace…so why do we have him laughing and chubby .He should be someone a little more serious.

I tried searching on net and found that ,the laughing Buddha appeared first in china and they may have changed it according to their believe (A Chinese god who depicted prosperity and fortune and a reincarnation) but no one mention any reference to where they found this out. Another post  mentioned that anyone acquiring enlightenment is called Buddha which I thought just may be true but ,I am not sure.
So what do you think ….. is fat Budha really different or the same …I would really appreciate references from any historical event or some fact from any book ……not sites saying different stuff….

This is our first discussion topic …..i know its not that good and its more like a question  but I  really would like to know the answer….Pleases reply in the comment box.

Posted by : lol ik


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