Chaos theory......

Chaos is the science of suprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It shows us to expect the unexpected. While most customary science manages evidently predictable phenomena like gravity, power, or synthetic responses, Chaos Theory manages nonlinear things that are adequately difficult to predict or control, in the same way as turbulence, climate, money markets, our mind states, et cetera. These phenomena are frequently portrayed by fractal science, which catches the boundless intricacy of nature. Numerous common items show fractal properties, including scenes, mists, trees, organs, waterways and so forth, and a significant number of the frameworks in which we live display intricate, turbulent conduct. Perceiving the turbulent, fractal nature of our reality can provide for us new knowledge, force, and shrewdness. Case in point, by understanding the perplexing, riotous flow of the environment, a blow up pilot can "guide" an inflatable to a coveted area. By understanding that our biological systems, our social frameworks, and our monetary frameworks are interconnected, we can would like to stay away from activities which may wind up being impeding to our long haul prosperity.

source: FractalFoundation                    
photocourtesy: truespinrecords
posted by lol ik


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