
Showing posts with the label Coding

codechef program #8:Sum of Digits

Selection Sort in Java.

Bucket Sort in Java.

Heapsort in Java.

Quiksort in Java.

Radix Sort in Java ..

codechef program #7:Ciel and Receipt

A Java program to get IP address of a Site.

codechef program #6:The Lead Game

Merge Sort in Java.

codechef program #5 :Small Factorial

Java program# String Palindrome Checker.

A Java Program to find a lengthiest word.

codechef program #3 :Factorial

Program to convert integer to an array

codechef program #2 :ATM

Fibonacci Series in java...

codechef program #1 :Life, the Universe, and Everything

Using #define in c..

Fuctions in java..